
The service contes

My part-time-job is gas-station. So Gas-station staff cant take part in the service contest championship. The championship is very high level. Gas-station staff need a good loud voice, and have to use a beautiful words. My freinds took part in the this championship. So his score is very good. And He can take part in Kyusyu Championship.
This my friend is work in same place with me. His smile is ugly. I think so. Today, I have to practice with my friends after the part-time-job. Then day after tomorrow, I'm going to support for this championship in Fukuoka prefecture. I want to that he can victory. This campionship was held by IDEMITSU group. The IDEMITSU group is very big cvompany. So The prize is luxurious. If he can victory in this champion ship, I can go to the disny land.

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